Wednesday, 22 May 2019

War Time Newsreels

Updated from Dec 2015

Those with ancestors that were in one of the World Wars may be interested in watching some Canadian Army Newsreels that are being uploaded to Library and Archives Canada's YouTube channel.

Our ancestors that were at home during the wars would have watched the newsreels in the movie theaters. 

The Canadian Army Newsreels were 10 minute films made by the Canadian Film and Photo Unit who were trained in combat the same as all soldiers. The films were distributed each week to the Canadian troops, the National Film Board and Canadian, British and American newsreel companies.

Canadian Army Newsreel No 1 (1942)

At Internet Archive there are 266 newsreels of different countries, including Britain, America, Australia, Japan and Italy.  Use the index on the right to find the ones you want.

Will you see your ancestor in one of these films?

Relevant Links

Canadian Army SWW Newsreels

Canadian Army FWW Newsreels

British War Reels

German WWII Newsreels

WWII Newsreels at Internet Archive


  1. Thank you for this! I will look for my great-uncle Fred, who served in the Nova Scotia regiment in WWI.

    1. They’re interesting to Watch! I remember my Mom telling me she’d see newsreels before a movie or during intermission (reel change) at the movie theater.


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