Tuesday 12 February 2019

Canadian Militia Gazette

There is so much more to explore now that Canadiana is free for all. 

One collection I found interesting is the Canadian Militia Gazette

I haven't yet found any of my militia family (I just started searching) but I have found some of my side branch (I call them My Others) 

You can search within the whole series by using the search box top left, or search within a document by clicking on the link and using the search box at the top. 

You can also search everything using the search box on the online Collection page.

Relevant Links

Canadian Militia Gazette 1885-1892

Canadian Military Gazette (1 issue 1878)

Canada Military Gazette, Sporting and Literary Chronicle 1857

For other ideas of what you can find at Canadiana or Heritage keep an eye on Lorine's blog at Olive Tree Genealogy


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