Wednesday 1 November 2017

Canada 150 - The Canadian Queen

During our country's 150th anniversary celebration of confederation I will write posts titled Canada 150 with a link to a publication or website I find that may help you tell the story of your Canadian ancestors.
Click on the Canada 150 label on the right or at the bottom to see all the posts.

Today I have for you...

The  Canadian Queen

The Canadian Queen ladies magazine started sometime in 1889. Besides fashion trends, art, literature and handy tips, they ran competitions in five categories. 

The Queen's Prize Problems questions and lists of winners were published in the magazine and in the principal newspapers.

The small print at the bottom stated that the winner was expected to renew her subscription for a year and to obtain at least two new subscriptions from her friends. 
The Daily British Whig in Kingston sometimes published portraits of the grand winner in their paper. The first place winner of the January 1892 historical question was Miss Eva Watson of Close Avenue, Toronto. 

"The young lady whose picture appears above is Miss Eva Watson, (66?)Close Ave, Toronto who has derived considerable of a reputation as the winner of The Canadian Queen's prize piano in their competition for January. Miss Watson being the one to send in the first correct reply. Miss Watson has received her piano and states to the reporter that she is delighted with it, it being one of Mason & Risch's fine-tuned up-rights, valued at $325 (?).The Queen's new Prize Problem will be announced in the principal daily papers on Saturday next." 

Relevant Links

The Canadian Queen(Periodical) 

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