
Monday, 1 May 2017

Crew and Civilians on Ships Hit by U-boats in WWII

I came across this website this past week - uboat is a site where you will find all the German u-boats of both wars with their officers and other information.

What is interesting for us also is that it has a list of the crew of all the ships that were hit by a u-boat during WWII. You can do a name search, or browse by name, ship or country.

The above is only a partial list of services and countries. It is not just navy on the list. There are army personnel that were passengers on a ship, as well as nurses and civilian passengers.

A lot of work has gone into developing this site and it is well worth a look. Check out the tabs at the top and links on the left side... try the On this Day link. At the bottom of the page hit the Glossary button for a list of abbreviations and definitions.

Clicking on the person's name will give you more information...

For some military personnel there is also the link to where they are buried.

The British ship City of Benares was carrying 90 children evacuated from Great Britian and being sent to safety in Canada when it was torpedoed. Here is the story and near the end is a link to all the names of those lost. Click on the names to find out more about them. 

Relevant Links

Crew lists from Ships hit by U-boats in WWII

City of Benares


  1. What a fascinating site! Thanks so much for blogging about it. Have bookmarked it to return to when I have some time.

    1. Some sites don't get enough recognition, so no one knows about them. I hope you find it helpful!

  2. You find the most interesting sources of information! Each blog post is a little gift to open to find the surprise.

    1. Aww such a nice thing to say... and why I do what I do.
      Thanks Liz.

  3. What a wonderful resource for people researching German ancestry.

  4. My apologies - I have looked more closely, since my first comment, and the fact the site also lists details of ships hit is even more remarkable.

    1. If you go to the crew list, and click on the Canada flag (from 1942, that threw me a since it's changed haha) you see there are army, navy AND civilians. If you click on their name you may get more info about the person.

      Same clicking on British flag. Or, in left column click on Ships by Name, The letter C, City of Benares and you will see it was a ship carrying children to safety in Canada, but was torpedoed and over 260 lost their lives. So sad!

  5. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful resource! I wouldn’t know about half of the resources that I use if it weren’t for other bloggers like you!

    1. There is so much online if we know where to look :-)

  6. Thanks, Dianne, I shall return! A great find.


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