
Sunday, 30 April 2017

Canada 150 - The New West Era

During our country's 150th anniversary celebration of confederation I will write posts titled Canada 150 with a link to a publication or website I find that may help you tell the story of your Canadian ancestors.
Click on the Canada 150 label on the right or at the bottom to see all the posts.

Today I have for you...

Canada's Northwest

The New West Era - 1904

In the 1880s Canada's Northwest was divided into four districts: Alberta, Assiniboia, Athabaska and Saskatchewan.

The New West Era was an illustrated monthly devoted to Canada Northwest, published in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. Another periodical for the NWT is Canada West, published by the Western Canadian Immigration Association. Both have many images, portraits and ads.

I also found an interactive timeline of the NWT. It may not be that good in IE, so try it on another browser like Chrome or Mozilla. Click the dates at the top of the page, slide the canoe for the timeline and click on one of the images for more info. I love timelines!

Update: 1 May 2017 - This is timely... today Library and Archives Canada uploaded images of the Northwest Territories to Flickr.

Relevant Links

The New Era West

The Canada West

Timeline of the Northwest Territories 


  1. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. Many thanks and appreciation for all that you do for us.

    1. Thank you Susan. Hopefully I still have a few years left in me!


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