
Sunday, 25 December 2016

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Epiphany

Original post date: 6 Jan 2017

The Twelve Days of Christmas ends with Epiphany. I stick to my family's tradition of reflecting on my beliefs this day, and taking down my Christmas decorations tomorrow, ending the holiday season.

This series has been months in the making... ever since I had the idea last year around this time.  It was fun, and sometimes frustrating, trying to find groups of records and publications that would go with each day.

I hope you all enjoyed the twelve day journey, and perhaps had a genealogical epiphany?

Here for you to download and share is the list of links in its entirety...

The Twelve Days of Christmas.


  1. Thank you for this interesting series, some terrific finds.

  2. I enjoy all your posts - they're very informative and interesting. I looked forward to The Twelve Days every day. Thank you for a lovely Christmas present. Laura

    1. You are welcome and thank you for the kind words, it is very much appreciated.


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