Thursday, 8 December 2016
Audio or Video?
Are you auditory or visual?
I am definitely a visual person. I learn better when I can see what's what. If you just try to tell me how to do something I am lost from the get go and my mind starts to wander. But show me how to do something and I pick it up right away. I learned in the parent meetings of my daughter's pre-school that usually if one parent is visual the other will be auditory (as in opposites attract?) and that if your first child is auditory the next will be visual, the next auditory, etc. I found this to be pretty true, at least in my family.
I also find that being a visual person I am much better at writing than I am at speaking. That is why I like to write this blog. Although one of these days I might like to try making a podcast or a video. Maybe I can do it if I have lots of visual aids in front of me.. haha!
Whether you are an auditory or visual learner there is something for everyone in genealogy. Many genealogy enthusiasts and professionals have gone to lots of trouble to make podcasts (like radio shows) or videos... or both... to give you more dimension to your genealogy learning experience.
Here attached is a list of Podcast Channels made for genealogy, and a list of Video Channels for genealogy at YouTube. Download it and pass it around!
Then there is kinesthetic learning, where you learn by doing. So don't just listen to us or watch us talk about genealogy - get out there and do it!!
Relevant Links
Podcasts and Videos
Related page: Webinars
I'm like you and learn visually so likely why I do much better at writing than speaking. Although when I was training Scouters it didn't seem to hinder me and nor does being in front of a crowd - not sure why but perhaps thanks to my father for his response when I was telling him I was too shy to approach a well known person for an autograph. He asked me why and then answered it himself by saying "they are no better than you are." That little moment of advice has come back many times over the years :D However, it doesn't help me to talk up on the spire of the moment...